miercuri, 2 noiembrie 2011


 Update : Based on the same ideea of scroll-thermometer, I write the code for  scrolling-thermo-clock, with PIC16F877A, DS18B20, DS1307 and 7x7 LED matrix (remember - DIY matrix). The time can be set, with three buttons ! The themperature  in this video it's "0.0'C" because I dont have any DS18B20 available for this project :( .

Schematics :

Code (written in PicBasicPro) : Original topic can be found here : http://www.picbasic.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?t=15431.

Enjoy !
Nota : Am luat decizia indepartarii codului sursa de aici, pentru a nu incarca inutil pagina ...